Welcome to rayhomdotcom, a site of a few things about me, Ray Hom [NOTE: I’m NOT the battery company]. This used to be a personal blog (going back to 1997) with a few of my ramblings of adventure involving tech, traveling, and nerd culture stuff, like comic cons and AI. Those things still interests me, but I don’t think my words strung together is worth most folks time (I currently showcase most of that on my YouTube). Maybe someday, I will string all my ideas into a magnum opus horror/scifi novel series. I’ve had some filmmaking experience, and most of my professional work is in tech… so, I’ve had some taste of both Hollywood and Silicon Valley, and made a lot of great friends via the Internet… my adventures continue, here and beyond… but, for now, please check out below, a few selected highlight moments of my persona. They all open into a new browser… and, if you so inclined, subscribe to my YouTube and follow me on Instagram. Enjoy! And, thanks for visiting!