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Coco, Ice-T’s Wifey at Good Vibrations

Well, Clara Lee wanted to meet Coco at Good Vibrations downtown in San Francisco, and I agreed to go with her, okay? I’m an Ice-T fan, so this is the closest I could get to him in degrees of separation, at this point. And, I am aware of his big booty wifey, Coco, on MTV with those reality show things (I’m not a fan of that format of entertainment, but I just know, okay?).

While lining up, and giggling about the dildos, I wasn’t as uncomfortable being there, as I feared. But, I think I kept implying that I was just there to accompany my friend, if anyone even remotely suggested a thought to what my agenda was. But, it was a mixed bag of people who lined up there, a few dudes too. You can find some pics online at Cocolicious starting with Clara here: https://www.megallenstudio.com/Events/Cocolicious/n-Vk594/i-kxPVfhP

I even recorded the brief intro at the store:

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