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I met Jon Bernthal… The Punisher!

Had the privilege to meet Jon Bernthal, aka Netflix’s Punisher, and his fist today! This happened at Fan Fest in San Jose.

I also got to meet him for a quick chat during the end of the event. He was signing at a booth, and a bunch of young teen boys were fanboying over him to the point that security wasn’t happy. “You give them an inch, and they take a mile,” was what I heard one of them say, as she tried to scoot them away, was also the fact that they were sneaking pics, even though no pics allowed.

I got one of his photos which is a Punisher profile for him to sign, and for a brief moment, I asked him how his day was, and that he must be tired from a long day. He responded in his Punisher voice that,”No, not at all.” Explaining to me how can handle it well. I thanked him, they closed up shop… and I think Jon went out into the night to seek justice…

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